"Nobody changes until they change their energy.
And when they change their energy, they change their life."
Dr. Joe Dispenza

Let's get this clear from the start:
I am not your guru.
You are your guru.
You just need the tools and the support
to become the person you were born to be.
And that's where I come in.
Most people are barely surviving.
The truth is that we human beings have not evolved to handle the stress of our modern day lives.
All too often we are reacting biochemically to stressors like work deadlines and getting the kids to school on time in the same way we would as if we were cavemen being hunted down by a saber-toothed tiger!
By sharing with you wellness techniques based in Hatha Yoga, Chinese Medicine, Quantum Physics, Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology that I have been studying and using in my own life for the past 15+ years, I will teach you how to stop living in survival mode and to disarm the body's fight or flight mechanisms, so that you can begin to thrive and to align with your best self and your greatest potential.
I hold the space. You do the work.
My goal is to become inconsequential.
You will become your own healer.
Send me an email or shoot me a text with any questions or concerns about working together. I would love to hear from you!
+30 693 695 1737